Title: BLE Manager
Order: 2
The adapter is where everything begins and ends. Unlike the platform implementations of the adapter scan, the BLE plugin Scan() method will scan continuously (or restart the scan when the cycle completes) until you dispose of the Scan() token.
Monitor and read status of adapter
// current status
// monitor status changes
BleManager.WhenStatusChanged().Subscribe(status => {});
Scan for Devices
var scanner = CrossBleAdapter.Current.Scan().Subscribe(scanResult =>
// do something with it
// the scanresult contains the device, RSSI, and advertisement packet
scanner.Dispose(); // to stop scanning
Scan for Devices - Advanced
new ScanConfig
ServiceUuids = { new Guid("<your guid here>") }
.Subscribe(scanResult =>
General Scan
var scan = CentralManager.Scan().Subscribe(scanResult => {});
// to stop scan
Specific Scans
Find a named peripheral
// this will return a single result and complete - you can await it if you want
var peripheral = CentralManager.ScanForPeripheral("YourDevice");
var peripheral = CentralManager.ScanForPeripheral(YourDevice);
Change Adapter State (Power on/off)
Supported by Android only
if (CrossBleAdapter.Current.CanChangeAdapterState)
CrossBleAdapter.Current.SetAdapterState(true); // or false to disable
Get Connected Devices
var devices = CrossBleAdapter.Current.GetConnectedDevices();
foreach (var device in devices)
// do something
// this essentially recreates the scan cycles like on Android
CrossBleAdapter.Current.ScanInterval(TimeSpan).Subscribe(scanResult => {});
Toggle State of Adapter
// returns true if successful