Title: Getting Started
Order: 1
You may ask "what does local notifications" have to do with device or background services? Well.... turns out quite a bit. You need a way of letting your users know that you've done something in the background. Maybe your job ran and determined that you need to do something OR you connected to a BLE peripheral... who knows, but you'll definitely need local notifications at some point well using Shiny
<?! PackageInfo "Shiny.Notifications" /?>
iOS Specifics
There isn't anything specific to setting up local notifications on iOS. However, iOS has one specific rule - While the application is running in the FOREGROUND, notifications will not be displayed. You are responsible for notifying your users of actions happening while your app is running.
Android Specifics
Android has many different customization points - please review the Android Specifics Documentation
First rule, as with any Shiny service. Run RequestAccess
var result = await ShinyHost.Resolve<INotificationManager>().RequestAccess();
if (result == PermissionState.Available) {
// ... do something
Send a Notification
Scheduling a Notification
Getting A List of Pending Notifications
Cancelling Individual or All Pending Notifications
Notification Responses
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Shiny.Notifications;
public class NotificationDelegate : INotificationDelegate
public async Task OnEntry(NotificationResponse response)